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High Risk Merchant Accounts - PayKings

High Risk Merchant Account

High risk merchant accounts allow businesses who are considered high-risk, to process payments online. Businesses looking for instant approval in the high-risk space can apply through PayKings and receive competitive rates on their merchant accounts and payment gateways.

What is a High Risk Merchant Account?

  • High risk merchant accounts are a payment processing service for businesses in high risk industries
  • A Paypal merchant account, for example, will only support businesses that are low risk
  • Different factors would require you to find high risk merchant services
  • Factors from credit score, chargebacks, to industry type can categorize your business as high risk
  • Instant approvals for high risk accounts are uncommon but possible for established businesses
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Do I Need A High Risk Merchant Account?

How do you know if your business has been categorized as a high risk merchant? And why is it important to make sure you have the right merchant account for your business? It’s important to understand the difference because it can have a major impact on your business. Find out more with our High Risk 101 downloadable.

Businesses in this category have to know who the right high risk merchant account providers are. Gateways like NMI, or provide solutions for high risk merchants. Whereas, Stripe merchant services and Square payment processing does not fully support industries like CBD, adult, and firearms.

How To Compare High Risk Merchant Accounts

Do your due diligence on high risk merchant accounts. With reputable companies, like PayKings, who are offering payment processing solutions, like merchant accounts and payment gateways, to those businesses that need it most.

These merchant account providers are high risk payment processing companies that are willing to accept the liability for the increased risk. Surprisingly, most merchants who fall into this class are unaware of it. Luckily we have a list of industries that often look for application approval. View our list of industries to see if your business may require these custom services.

What are the Most Common Reasons a Business might Need High Risk Merchant Accounts?

01. The business is selling products online:

A high risk ecommerce merchant account is a type of service commonly referred to as Card-Not-Present merchants.

02. The business is in a highly regulated industry:

Businesses like that sell CBD oils online, e-cigs, firearms, and adult are among a few of the many that would fall in this category.

03. The business is in an industry that a bank may see as a reputational risk:

Companies like IT or security services deal with customer information and could be considered a reputational risk. Additionally, adult merchant accounts qualify.

04. The business industry is known for having a high instance of chargebacks or fraud:

Merchant accounts that fall in this arena often experience increased chargebacks, identity theft, account takeover.  This makes banks run in the other direction.

05. The business sells products or services using a continuity or recurring billing model:

This type of business model brings a lot of chargebacks when clients are billed without consent or remembering they even signed up. Resultantly, many chargebacks will lead to your account shutting down entirely.

06. The person signing on the merchant account has bad credit:

This one is a no-brainer. Banks are less willing to lend funds to those with bad credit. That’s when a high-risk processing company comes in handy.

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Merchant Account Instant Approval

Some merchants believe that they can get a high risk merchant account instant approval, but this option is very uncommon. The approval process is an involved one. High risk merchants can improve their chances of getting approved by highlighting the best features of their business and sharing documents quickly.

A cover letter should include relevant information, such as the industry insight of people involved in the project. Merchants should also discuss anything that makes the business stand out, such as proactive fraud monitoring. Better yet, for the sake of longevity and financial success they should avoid companies trying to sell high risk merchant account instant approval. It’s not practical, and will often result in hindering payment processing down the line.

How To Get Fast Merchant Account Approval

Address high trading volumes in a cover letter. Trading volumes impact the risk to the processing company. Showing a strong processing history with a great deal of money moving through the business can increase the chance of approval. Finally, high risk merchant accounts should have a plan to address long fulfillment duration. Fulfillment duration refers to the amount of time it takes between when payment is collected and when the service or product is delivered. The longer the fulfillment duration, the higher the risk of chargebacks. Therefore, the riskier the business. Reducing the fulfillment duration or showing strong reserves makes the merchant a lower risk.

What is a Chargeback?

Chargebacks are also known as credit card charge reversals. A chargeback is an alternative for customers to receive their money back in the case that they find fraudulent transactions on their credit card. It’s particularly common for businesses with high risk merchant accounts. Banks have a special interest (because of their particular commission) in pursuing chargeback claims. So, many dishonest customers misuse this procedure, which causes a growing number of unwarranted chargebacks. Companies like NMI or are poised for chargeback situations when compared with Square and Stripe.

Chargeback Claims

The more chargeback claims you have against you, the more that payment processing providing companies will avoid your business altogether. Therefore, it’s no surprise that retailers with high risk merchant accounts are currently going above and beyond to stop chargebacks as much as possible. The demand for businesses to take measures to protect against chargebacks is becoming more and more prominent every year. Retailers need to learn how chargeback claims can be handled and how to seek high risk merchant services to protect their businesses from fraudulent chargebacks.

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Reliable Processing Solutions

Choosing the most reliable high risk merchant accounts from a reputable payment processor, like PayKings, is critical to your business’s longevity and long-term success.

Retailers need to be aware of the hurdles they face on their journey to securing a payment processing company. PayKings specializes in the high risk industry and understands all the ins and outs connected with businesses of this type. PayKings knows how to handle credit card payment processing for virtually any business model and offers options for chargeback protection along with a merchant account for your business.

How do Chargebacks play a role for your High Risk Merchant Accounts?

When it comes to credit card payment processing, you might have difficulty getting approved for high risk merchant accounts due to any number of factors that qualify businesses for this unique category such as fraud, bad credit, or a high ratio of chargebacks.

The best high risk merchant accounts will have top-of-the-line security and a proven track record of keeping business and customer information safe and secure, as well as having a system in place to help mitigate a high ratio of chargebacks.


High Risk Merchant Accounts and Payment Gateway Solutions

The PayKings team has high risk merchant accounts for businesses with high risk payment processing volumes of $20,000-$100,000,000+ per month. Our gateway partners like NMI and, give you access to information regarding your new account. Including individual transactions and batch totals with comprehensive reporting tools.

Merchant Payments Acceptance Corp’s end-to-end solution offers flexible products and high risk merchant account services that enable merchants to accept nearly all types of electronic payments including major credit cards: MasterCard®, VISA®, American Express®, Discover®, Diners Club International®, signature debit cards Gift and loyalty cards, and even for a high risk ACH merchant account.

Why PayKings?

PayKings understands the unique needs of different high risk businesses and has established 24+ acquiring banking relationships to become experts in getting high risk merchants accepting online payments.

High Risk Merchant Account

Our Services

High Risk Merchant Account Experts

  • 20+ Proven Bank Relationships
  • Medium/High Risk Accounts
  • Fast Account Approval
  • Large Merchant Case Studies
  • E-Commerce and Retail Options
  • B2B Vendors Supported

Multiple Payment Solutions

  • Multiple E-Commerce Gateway
  • Chargeback Prevention
  • ACH
  • E-Check
  • Credit Cards
  • B2B-Level II/III Data Discounts
  • 3D Secure Frictionless Checkout
  • Mobile Payment
  • EMV Readers

Intuitive Compatibility & Support

  • Gateway Recurring Billing
  • Vault
  • E-Commerce Cart Plugins
  • Developer API / Docs
  • POS/Terminals
  • High Risk Merchant Accounts
  • Dedicated Account Managers
Catchy CTA Background


Low or high, your risk level won’t stop you from getting a fast and easy approval. We accept and provide for a number of industries.

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