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Top Chargeback Companies for Online Businesses

May 15, 2023

Top Chargeback Companies for Online Businesses - PayKings
High-risk merchants face unique challenges in e-Commerce. Whether your business model involves highly regulated products, subscription billing or exposure to a high number of chargebacks in an online space, your management of risk against fraud and chargebacks is more critical than other merchants. You need a company that can provide an end-to-end solution to effectively protect your business from both threats.

Below is the list of top chargeback companies. Each has amazing tools and a history of experience in dealing with chargebacks.

Chargeback Gurus Logo - PayKingsChargebackGurus offers a range of chargeback tools and services for a range of business types. High-risk merchants face unique challenges in e-Commerce. Find a company that can provide an end-to-end solution to effectively protect your business from both fraud and chargeback threats.

With 16+ years in the payments industry, Chargeback Gurus brings experience and expertise to supporting high-risk merchants. As trusted advisors to the Card Networks and Fortune 500, they are widely recognized for their expertise in chargeback prevention and mitigation strategies. Their deep- dive analytics, transparency, and white-glove service give you the peace of mind and time to focus on growing your business.

Chargeback Gurus Tools and Technologies

  • Root Cause Analyzer, a tool that examines over 40 data points to identify chargeback root- causes & vulnerabilities.
  • Guru Prevention Alerts TM, offering coverage over multiple prevention alert networks with unified reporting and global coverage for all card brands in a single platform, enabling high risk merchants to prevent up to 54% of disputes proactively.
  • Smart Chargeback RepresentmentTM Process combines automation, deep data analytics, and expert analysts to enable companies to recover up to 70% of chargebacks. All of these products come with a dedicated Client Success Manager, hands-on onboarding, and a single platform to manage all opted services, including:
    1.  Smart Chargeback Representment
    2. Prevention Alerts (Verifi & Ethoca)
    3. Visa Order Insight
    4. Visa Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) management.

Chargeback Gurus believes that every chargeback tells a story. With a combination of prevention and recovery tools, they not only help SMBs and enterprise businesses recover up to 70% of their existing chargebacks but also better understand their customers and issues with their business. Their solutions are competitively priced and uniquely tailored to each customer. Ultimately, their chargeback representment and prevention services take the pain out of chargeback management and delivers ROI for clients.

ClearSale Top Chargeback Services - PayKingsClear.Sale offers two main types of chargeback assistance, protection, and insurance.

One of the main benefits Clear.Sale offers is their overarching analytical technique and better yet, accountability. Their Chargeback Total Protection enables you to recoup a portion of any losses due to fraudulent transactions. With this, they first identify specific KPI thresholds and take a data-driven perspective on improving your chargeback metrics. One of the key benefits to their policy is if they don’t meet the KPI thresholds, you receive a discount on your invoice.

Their main protection tool is also very inclusive and provides the full breadth of ecommerce fraud prevention services. It ensures all fraudulent orders are blocked and chargebacks are not generated for you. Understandably, they don’t directly reimburse you for any chargebacks that may occur, and the discounts they provide are not intended to fully cover any chargeback losses.

Clear.Sale Pricing

Pricing depends on your sales volume and how you plan to use their solution, based on your industry profile and specific needs.

What business size is best for Clear.Sale? 

They work with businesses of every size, in every industry, everywhere around the world. With no monthly minimums or hidden fees, brand new businesses are welcome to join the ClearSale family.

Additional Benefits

With over 16 eCommerce partner platforms they’ve pre-integrated and an open API, getting up and running with ClearSale is as easy. Their support team is available 24X7 to ensure your ease of integration and success with ClearSale.

CB911 Logo - PayKingsChargebacks911® is a full-service chargeback management company. They offer solutions for lowering chargeback risk and recovering revenue lost to chargeback fraud. Using a proprietary suite of technologies and tactical data analysis, they provide a cost-effective, end-to-end chargeback management platform. Backed by the industry’s only performance-based ROI guarantee. Their solutions are perfect for mid- to large-size companies, and works even with high-risk factors such as recurring billing.

CB911 Key Features

  • Dispute Prevention – Intercept disputes and avoid chargebacks by replying in real-time with additional transaction information or refund confirmation. Their dispute prevention solution incorporates networks from Ethoca, Verifi, and others. Plus, they help you get the most from card network automated response programs, including Visa Order Insight and Mastercard Eliminator.
  • Dispute Response – Identify and respond to illegitimate disputes with compelling evidence. They provide tailored responses to reverse more chargebacks and recover more revenue lost to friendly fraud.
  • Dispute Intelligence – Discover the true source of chargebacks and make informed decisions with accurate and actionable data. Their proprietary Intelligent Source Detection™ looks beyond the reason code to unlock the real source of every chargeback, while real-time reporting and error-risk-threat analysis allow us to identify and prevent chargebacks that would otherwise go unmitigated.

Managing over 2 billion transactions annually, Chargebacks911 is an industry leader. They were named Best Chargeback Management Program, Best B2B Software, Best Industry Solution, and more.

Chargeback Help Logo - PayKingsChargebackHelp protects merchants from transaction disputes and chargebacks with its online dispute management platform ChargebackHelp Plus (CBH+). CBH+ enables merchants to deflect disputes, reduce chargebacks, and recover revenue from friendly fraud, all within a single endpoint.

ChargebackHelp provides full-spectrum dispute management for merchants of all sizes, from small businesses to enterprise-level.

ChargebackHelp Products

The CBH+Deflect module connects merchant transaction data to cardholders and issuers to prevent disputes. Deflect integrates Verifi Order Insight for Visa transactions and Ethoca Eliminator for MasterCard, sending merchant fulfillment data to inform cardholder & issuer inquiries before they escalate to disputes.

CBH+Resolve integrates chargeback alerts, dispute notices, and fraud notices into a single interface for resolutions that prevent chargebacks. Resolve matches all notifications from Ethoca and Verifi to their source transactions. This makes refunds faster and more accurate so they don’t become chargebacks. Merchants can automate resolutions, self-manage, or have ChargebackHelp resolve disputes on their behalf.

CBH+Recover mobilizes compelling evidence from CRMs, gateways, and other merchant assets. It ties cardholders to their purchases, reverses chargebacks, and recovers revenue from unwarranted chargebacks.

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Kyle Hall CEO

May 15, 2023 | Blog | Kyle Hall