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Published May 28, 2023

Wix Payment Processing

2 min read
Wix Payment Processing

Introduction to Wix Payment Processing

When building or updating an ecommerce site on Wix, it's crucial to consider available payment gateway integrations. Wix payment processing options are limited, especially for high-risk merchants.

About Wix Payment Processing Solutions

Wix is a popular website builder that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites using drag and drop features. It offers various plugins, including ecommerce functionality.

Wix Custom Payment Gateway

Integrating a custom payment gateway in Wix is challenging due to the protective nature of their code. Unlike open-source systems like WordPress, Wix limits payment gateway options to larger providers.

Currently allowed payment gateways on Wix:

  • PayPal
  • Stripe
  • Square
  • Pinwheel
  • Affrim

Wix Payments

Wix recently introduced its own payment system, Wix Payments, allowing users to manage their website, payments, and payouts from one dashboard. However, limitations exist, especially for high-risk merchants.

How To Set Up Payment Processing On Wix

Low-risk merchants can easily set up Wix Payments or integrate mainstream payment gateways. However, high-risk merchants (e.g., those selling CBD, nutraceuticals, e-cigs, adult toys, subscription boxes, or vapes) face more limited long-term options.

Alternatives to Wix

For businesses requiring more payment processing flexibility, consider these alternatives:

  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • BigCommerce
  • Weebly
  • 3D Cart
  • Ecwid
  • Drupal Commerce
  • Magento

These platforms often offer more payment processing options, which is crucial for business scalability and sustainability.

Wix Payment Gateway Solutions

If using Wix, research Wix-supported payment providers. High-risk merchants should be particularly cautious to avoid account loss.


While Wix offers user-friendly website building tools, its payment processing options are limited, especially for high-risk merchants. Businesses should carefully consider their payment processing needs and explore alternatives if Wix's options are insufficient. For high-risk merchants, working with specialized payment processors like PayKings can provide more sustainable solutions.

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